Las Vegas based (where else?) Swamble is a new mobile-focused website that lets users place and accept wagers on just about anything they can think of. It’s a bit like UK-based Gottabet. But U.S. residents can’t legally use Gottabet because it allows cash wagers. Swamble, for now, allows bets to be settled only with things other than cash.
The site is optimized for mobile use. Click “Create,” add a title and description of the wager, and tags. Other users then jump in and accept, and leave (generally) taunting comments. One of the early beta testers set up a wager that Transformers would have a bigger opening weekend than SpiderMan 3. The wager required the loser or losers (which turned out in this case to be the creator) write a blog post linking to the winner(s).
These kinds of non-cash wagers won’t lead to a lot of success for the company, but the founders say that they will soon add a private wagering feature (where the government’s prying eyes can’t see what’s being bet on).
And there are currently two bills before Congress that might ease the restrictions on Internet gambling enough for Swamble to take cash bets (HR 2607 and HR 2046
). If that happens, they may be in a good place to capitalize quickly on the changes in the law.
The company is in private beta but is giving out invitations pretty quickly. Sign up on the home page.
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